• chimera
  • UNA

camera macula

Camera Macula is an installation that aims to showcase food stains that have been taken from placemats, using a projector. During their research for Expo Milano, the HEAD Geneva students left placemats in different establishments selected by the City of Geneva. The stained placemats were collected and scanned, to be used as a basis for the installation visuals. The projector has been designed as a magic lantern, the historic ancestor of today’s projectors. It made of steel and has a matt varnish finish to protect the metal. The stains, taken out of context, become intriguing and abstract aesthetic elements, visual poems.

Directed by: Cécile Dutoit, Maéva Maspoli
With: Eléa Rochat, Flavia Viscardi

culina rapida

Culina rapida is a vehicle for chefs. It takes its inspiration from the vehicles of super heroes, which can go anywhere in record time. The vehicle in question is based on the Nagomi restaurant, one of the 10 restaurants selected by the City of Geneva. The students picked out the features that characterize the establishment, and then re-injected them into the installation. In this case, the installation is mainly made up of wood assembled using different techniques. The design of the seat is based on a study on the different positions that the body may adopt in terms of ergonomics and position in space. The passengers’ seats depend on their hierarchy in the team. This installation makes it possible to see, at a glance, the fundamental features that characterise the establishment studied.

Directed by: Alice Bardou, Julien Cochet-Muchy
With: Léa Gallon, Rebecca Metzger

citta aquaria

Citta aquaria is an installation that takes the form of an urban piping network, just like that which supplies Geneva and its restaurants. HEAD-Geneva students, in an effort to find commonalities between the different restaurants selected by the City of Geneva, looked to the water which supplies every home and establishment in Geneva. The installation works like a closed water network: a pump at the start of the network pumps the water around the whole circuit. The installation as a whole is made of blown glass and metal. Citta aquaria raises our awareness of the existence of an invisible world, situated beneath our feet, and essential for life.

Directed by: Jessica Gonçalves, Amaëlle Vuagniaux
With: Alexis Klink

musica cromatica

Musica Cromatica is an installation inspired by the work of Neil Herbisson, whose objective is to translate colors into sounds. As part of the Expo Milano, the HEAD-Geneva students photographed dishes City of Geneva. These photographs were then pixelated to isolate the colors that make up each dish. Using a computing code developed by an engineer, these colors will be matched with 8-bit sounds. The passage from color to sound takes place in a plexiglass box, composed of four compartments, which recalls a gramophone. Via this installation, visitors can feed their souls with music.

Directed by: Laure Christinat, Fabio Patricio de Almeida
With: Tamara Conus